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Melting Pot or Civil War?

Presented By
Reihan Salam

Reihan Salam sees the United States’ immigration crisis as solvable. It requires … ahem, compromise.

The son of Bangladeshi immigrants, Salam speaks from the perspective of a second-generation American and political conservative—he’s the executive editor of National Review. In a discussion of his book Melting Pot or Civil War? A Son of Immigrants Makes the Case Against Open Borders, he argues that too little is being done to lift immigrants out of poverty, perpetuating a lack of upward mobility and solidifying racial and economic divides between citizens and immigrants. He proposes “large-scale amnesty followed directly by resolute enforcement” of immigration laws, with greater attention to immigrants’ skills. Salam also advocates a universal child benefit program to ease the economic demands on poor immigrant families.

Co-presented by National Review Institute.
This event is co-sponsored by: National Review

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Melting Pot or Civil War?

Date & Location
In Person